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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 上海市 浦东新区 外高桥保税区美盛路255号1幢
  • 姓名: 水燃动力HHO
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定

    HHO generator dry cell fuel saver system for car and truck

  • 所属行业:汽车用品 汽车改装用品 汽车节油器
  • 发布日期:2025-03-02
  • 阅读量:226
  • 价格:299.00 美元/PIC 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:2389.00 PIC
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海浦东  
  • 关键词:hho,kit

    HHO generator dry cell fuel saver system for car and truck详细内容

    Run your Car or truck with Water ,with powerful Hydrogen Fuel and save 15% to 35% of your fuel mileage with the help of everlasting & most essential product for life.We are producing Diway HHO Generator System ,with world's most advanced and latest technology in USA after many years of research & effort. Our Systems are well tested from all the testing authorities successfully and we are now selling our HHO system to install Petrol, Diesel & Gas driven Cars, Trucks, Buses, Ships & Power Generators. Several HHO installed cars without changing engine parts & existing system are running several miles and the smile of the owners are the witness of our success.
    Most wonder feature of our product is it reduces the engine toxic gas emission level.
    Product Feature
    1.Increased Gas Mileage*
    2.Increased the life of engine
    3.More Horsepower
    4.Less green-house toxic gases
    5.Save fuel & your money
    6.Save The Environment*
    7.stop global warming & *
    8. Enjoy healthy living.
    Product Specification/Models
    1. High-fuel-efficient value: fuel savings as high as 35% or more or more;
    2. Power to upgrade: To get more power and a smoother driving experience;
    3. To increase fuel efficiency: to achieve higher mileage;
    4. To protect the environment: to reduce carbon monoxide emissions to help keep the green earth;
    5. Clean engine, clean the engine of carbon inside the sediment to make the engine live longer;
    6. Easy to install: only need a little space can be installed;
    7. Security and Stability: Do not store combustible gases without explosion risks;
    8. Low Cost: Just add a little water on a regular basis you can continue to work;
    9. Easy to operate: light and easy to facilitate care.
    Run your Car or truck with Water ,with powerful Hydrogen Fuel and save 15% to 35% of your fuel mileage with the help of everlasting & most essential product for life.We are producing sokeway HHO Generator System ,with world's most advanced and latest technology in USA after many years of research & effort. Our Systems are well tested from all the testing authorities successfully and we are now selling our HHO system to install Petrol, Diesel & Gas driven Cars, Trucks, Buses, Ships & Power Generators. Several HHO installed cars without changing engine parts & existing system are running several miles and the smile of the owners are the witness of our success.

    欢迎来到上海典忆能源科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市浦东新区外高桥保税区美盛路255号1幢,老板是水燃动力。 主要经营上海典忆能源科技有限公司水燃动力“HHO氢氢氧”车载氢氧机系统,主要应用于汽油车、柴油车、工程机械、发电机、船舶、锅炉等燃烧领域。 汽油车系统:排量在1.0以上,3.0T以下的以汽油、柴油、LNG、CNG为燃料的汽车 柴油车系统:挖掘机、装载机、叉车等非道路机械;船舶、发电机、重卡等大型内燃机系统。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。 我们公司专业从事:HHO,车载氢氧机,尾气净化器,柴油车尾气等产品!为广大车友们提供一个真实可靠、物美**的购物平台。欢迎批发采购!